“Tis the Season

Right after Thanksgiving in the US, there is the mad rush of “the holidays.” For me and for many others, there is this feeling of pressure. Pressure to do all things Christmas!

When my daughter was younger, it was about getting her gifts, decorating the tree, and holiday cards. Now that she is older, those thoughts and demands aren’t as prevalent.

Now it is the pressure that we put upon ourselves.  How do you get through the holidays?

With endless holiday commercials, ads and decorated windows, the season is forced on us all. This is fine if you are mentally prepared and all about the holidays. But for many the holidays can bring a myriad of emotions and many aren’t jolly.

Maybe it’s the pressure to buy gifts that you can’t afford. Anxious feelings of seeing family members or loneliness and sadness.

Then there are the endless holiday parties. Those you long to be invited to that you may see on social media and those you are invited to, with the possibility of over drinking and overeating.

This season, which is supposed to bring about feelings of joy and love, often can leave us broke, fat, and depressed.

PLUS, life’s normal annoying occurrences.

It can all be very overwhelming!

How does one cope?

 Let me give you the top 5 things that I do to help me get through it!

  1. Move your body, dance, walk, swim, or workout. SOMETHING
  2. Keep your friends and loved ones close (the ones that bring joy, not drama).
  3. Drink a lot of water.
  4. Before attending the holiday parties and gatherings, have some sort of eating and drinking protocol.
  5. Find a person who will work with you through the challenging times. Like me, a certified Life Coach.

Love Mo

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